Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Adopted Child

Bible Reading:  Galatians 4:1-14

Key Verse: Verse 5 - “To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons."

Key Words: that we might receive the adoption of sons

A couple was watching a television program about children in other countries who needed families.  The lady’s attention was especially drawn to a photograph of one of the children.  She told her husband that she had this strong feeling that they should go to Romania, bring the boy back to the U.S. and adopt him.  The husband agreed, the plans were made and before long they were on a plane to Romania.  When they arrived at the orphanage, they were told that the child had been returned to his parents.  Finding out where his parents lived, the couple went immediately to see the boy at his home.  The parents told them that the child was dead and that his body was over in the corner of the room.  But, as they approached him, they saw him move slightly and heard a faint whimper.  There were cigarette burns and bruises all over his body and he was seriously malnourished.  “Take him,” the heartless parents told them, “we have too many children anyway.”  Upon returning to the U.S. with their new son, the couple was determined that this child would either die being held and loved or recover fully under their care.  He had been found to be blind, crippled, unable to talk, and sick almost to the point of death, not to speak of the multitude of emotional scars he bore.  From the start, they ministered to the boy’s needs with a long and detailed daily regimen of love and exercise, working with him many hours every day.  The little boy’s improvement began immediately.  They taught him basic functions, like crawling, and then sitting up.  The doctors said he would always be blind, and never able to do these basic things because of all the abuse he had experienced.  However, within a few years he was not only seeing, but he was able also to walk and play and converse like other children his age.  He was made whole.  The love, mercy and compassion that flowed from the lives and hearts of this couple in such a magnanimous way and the healing effect that it had in the life of their adopted child is a very pale example of the love, mercy and compassion our Heavenly Father has for us.  He looked down upon us and saw our need and sent the Provision in His Son, Jesus Christ.  We have only to receive it by faith.  God’s Word says that we say we are rich, with everything we want.  We say we don’t need a thing and that we don’t realize that spiritually we are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked (Revelation 3:17).  We are in need of this healing, saving love of God in Jesus Christ.  “But when the fullness of time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, in order that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.”  We don’t have to work for His favor anymore.  When we receive Christ into our hearts as our Savior and Lord we are no more under the Law as slaves, but we are adopted by Him as His sons and  daughters.  What a difference!

                                                                                                            Dr. Mike Rouse

What to do:

Thank God, you’ve been adopted.

If you haven’t been adopted, call us at 1-205-854-2741 and we will tell you how you can be.

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