Bible Reading: I Timothy 3:8-13
Key Verse: Verse 8 – “Likewise must the deacons be grave, not doubletongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre;”
Key Words: Likewise must the deacons
Diakonos is a Greek word for servant and is translated into our English word deacon.
The word deacon was first used as an adjective to speak of one’s activities. Later it was used as a noun referring to an office.
As you study the word deacon in the Bible, it becomes clear that the role of a deacon is to be the servant of another.
The following story is told about Jerry Clower. “He was informed that one of his children had been involved in a dramatic car wreck. As he sped to where the child was said to be, he did not know if the child was dead or alive. He said that as he drove he prayed, ‘Lord, help me to act like I have always told folks they should act.’ Fortunately, the child lived. Even more fortunately, even without knowing the child would live, he acted not only like he had always told folks they should act, but like he knew His Master had told him to act. That is the way it is with a servant. Servants want to carry out the instructions of their masters. They live to obey.”
This should be true, not only for deacons but, for all of us. Should it not?
Dr. Mike Rouse
What to do:
✞Live to obey God.
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