Bible Reading: I Timothy 2
Key Verse: Verse 5 – “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;”
Key Words: For there is one God
Even those who claim to be "Born Again" are not necessarily firmly grounded in the truths of the Bible. In his book which provides a statistical analysis of religious beliefs in America, George Barna cites several fascinating statistics which are based on a national survey.
In chapter four he states, "The Devil, or Satan, is not a living being but is a symbol of evil." Then, asking that segment of his survey respondents who have identified themselves as being "Born Again", he states, "Do you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat, or disagree strongly with that statement?"
The "Born Again" population reply with 32 percent agreeing strongly, 11 percent agreeing somewhat and 5 percent did not know. Thus, of the total number responding, 48 percent either agreed that Satan is only symbolic or did not know!
Should it then be surprising that a few pages later Barna would receive some very startling responses? His next question, "Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, and others all pray to the same God, even though they use different names for that God." Again, the respondents were asked to agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat or disagree strongly.
Of that population surveyed who identified themselves as "Born Again," 30 percent agreed strongly, 18 percent agreed somewhat and 12 percent did not know. That is a total of 60 percent! ("What Americans Believe", pp. 206, 212).
No wonder Jesus said in John 4:22, “Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship for salvation is of
the Jews.”
Dr. Mike Rouse
What to do:
✞Praise God we have the truth in Jesus Christ!!
(John 14:6).
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