Key Verse: Verse 22 - “And Reuben answered them, saying, Spake I not unto you,
Key Words: Do not sin against the child
In the business world there is a saying, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” How true! Let me ask you - what are you planning for your children’s lives? Do you plan how to teach your children about Christ? When your child comes to you under conviction by the Holy Spirit, what will you say? Last but not least, are you planting the seed of the gospel in your children’s hearts so that one day they will say, “Mom and Dad, I want to be saved.”
If you neglect spiritual planning and say, “Well, I take my child to church every now and then; and I hope everything will work out in the end,” I can guarantee you that it will not. You need to plan for the spiritual welfare of your children. Note again the words of Genesis 42:22, “Do not sin against the child.” When we fail to plan for their salvation, we certainly sin against them. You cannot save them, but you can certainly see that the seed of salvation is sown.
Dr. W. B. Riley told of spending a brief vacation years ago with a Scottish sheepherder. His host met him at the train station. During the long drive back to the ranch, the shepherd was strangely quiet and seemed bothered about something. Dr. Riley pressed for the reason for his silence. The shepherd began to weep and said, “I lost 65 of my best sheep last night; wolves got in.”
The sympathetic pastor expressed his grief over the great loss, and then asked, “Were these your old sheep you have had for years?”
“Don’t you know,” answered the shepherd, “a wolf will never take an old sheep when he can get a young lamb.”
Oh, so true! Your child today needs to know Christ and have a close relationship with Him, because Satan does not want the old sheep, he wants your young lambs.
Dr. Mike Rouse
What to do:
✞Plant the seed of the gospel in your children’s hearts.
✞Pray for your children daily.
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