Bible Reading: Proverbs 26:13-20
Key Verse: Verse 13 – “The slothful man saith, There is a lion in the way; a lion is in the streets.”
Key Words: The slothful man saith
No matter what our situation, we should always rise above slothfulness.
There are always things to do and new ways of doing things but we can’t let the slothful keep us from accomplishing “things.”
Early in the eighteenth century two young monks were disciplined by their abbot for an infraction of the monastery rules. “Brothers Bennett and Fidelis,” he said sternly, “your punishment will be seclusion for three months – under the rule of silence!” At first the disciplined ones gave themselves to prayer and study, but the silence was oppressive and the idle hours weighed heavily on them. Finally the younger monk had an idea. He collected all the smooth, flat stones of one size until, with the help of his “silent partner,” they had gathered twenty-eight. He then placed different numbers on each of them and began devising a new game to while away their unproductive hours. It was difficult for them to communicate, but after a few weeks they managed by making gestures to outline certain rules to govern their play with these marked stones. The most difficult thing was keeping silent when they were excited over winning a game. Then they had a happy idea. They were allowed to utter aloud the prayer, “Dixit Dominus Domino Meo.” By reducing this to one word, the victor was able to signal his triumph by excitedly exclaiming, “Domino! Domino!” The pastime they devised has been refined but is still played in scores of countries today
Not only are these games to be “invented,” there are souls to be saved, so don’t be slothful in the business of God.
Dr. Mike Rouse
What to do:
✞ Think of ways to reach others for Christ.
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