Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Devouring Words

Bible Reading:  Psalm 52

Key Verse: Verse 4   – “Thou lovest all devouring words, O thou deceitful tongue.”

Key Words: devouring words

You can read the story of David and Doeg in I Samuel 22.

David describes the person with a devouring tongue as being mischievous (verse 1), a person with sharp (cutting) words (verse 2), deceitful (verse 2), someone who loves evil (verse 3), someone who loves a lie more than the truth (verse 3).

Devouring is more than eating; it is ravenous, beastly.  Have you ever seen sharks when they smell blood, or wild dogs in Africa on a hunt? That’s devouring.

When I was young, people would drop off their unwanted dogs in our neighborhood. Those dogs would pretty much do anything for food.  I remember adopting one of these dogs. Of course, I did fail to tell my parents about the adoption. Well, anyway, that’s another story.  I decided that the skinny fellow needed food so I gathered some together and put it in a bowl in the back yard and watched as he “devoured” the food.  He didn’t just eat; he growled and hissed and chomped and bit and foamed at the mouth.  He intended to leave nothing behind. So it is with devouring words.  They cut and tear; they bruise and destroy.  The person with devouring words is at war and their weapon is not an M-K but words…devouring words; and they will not be content until they see their prey destroyed or consumed.  How animalistic!  How depraved!


                                                                                                        Dr. Mike Rouse

What to do:

Remember, not only animals can be wild beasts.  Avoid devouring humans.

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