Sunday, May 12, 2024

Words Of Knowledge

Bible Reading: Proverbs 23:1-12

Key Verse: Verse 12 – “Apply thine heart unto instruction, and thine ears to the words of knowledge.”

Key Words: words of knowledge

The word knowledge means to be aware of. We live in a world when people have much human knowledge but little Biblical knowledge. Because of that they fail to reach a proper Biblical conclusion in regard to life.

Howard G. Hendricks in his book, Living by the Book, tells about a scientist that was using the inductive method to observe the characteristics of a flea.  Plucking a leg off the flea, he ordered “Jump!”  

The flea promptly jumped.

Taking another leg off, the scientist again commanded, “Jump!”

The flea jumped again.

The scientist continued this process until he came to the sixth and final leg. By now the flea was having a little more difficulty jumping, but it was still trying.

The scientist pulled the final leg off and again ordered the flea to jump.  But the flea didn’t respond.

The scientist raised his voice and demanded, “Jump!”  Again the flea failed to respond.

For a third time the scientist shouted at the top of his lungs, “Jump!”  But the hapless flea lay motionless.

The scientist then made the following observation in his notebook: “When you remove the legs from a flea, it loses its sense of hearing.”

We laugh at this, and it is humorous; but we must understand that when we leave God’s Word out of our decision-making process, we as well come up with some “way out” conclusions.


                                                                                                    Dr. mike Rouse

What to do:  

Apply the words of knowledge.

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