Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Bible Reading: II Kings 10:1-17

Key Verse: Verse 16 - “And he said, Come with me, and see my zeal for the LORD. So they made him ride in his chariot.”  

Key Words:Come with me, and see my zeal for the Lord

While you do not find the word enthusiasm in these verses, you certainly find Jehu filled with it!! The word enthusiasm comes from the Greek words “en” and “Theos” which altogether literally mean to be “in God.” In a real sense, the Rotarians, the Lions, or the Chamber of Commerce cannot have enthusiasm. Only the church of Jesus Christ can know true enthusiasm, according to its definition. 

When one is filled with God it is like an ever-present artesian well bubbling over in him. Enthusiasm for a child of God is not something that he has worked up. It is something that God has sent down. It is something in his heart. If you find an enthusiastic church, you will find an enthusiastic preacher. 

The following statement is said to have been made about David Livingstone: “Without enthusiasm, no battles have been won, no Iliads written, no cathedrals built, no empires founded, no religions propagated. The secret of success is enthusiasm. The men of victory have been the men who kept the fires burning on the altars of enthusiasm when other flames had sunk into cold, gray ashes of despair.” 

Would you not agree that the life of David Livingstone is one more monument to the power of enthusiasm?

                                                                                                            Dr. Mike Rouse

What to do:  

If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing with enthusiasm.

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