Sunday, June 23, 2024

Initiative, Part 2

Bible Reading:  Proverbs 13:1-8

Key Verse: Verse 4 – “The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.”

Key Words: the diligent shall be made fat

Above I’ve given you a “round tuit.” Whatever you do, don’t lose this tuit. It’s of great value. Tuits are not easy to obtain, especially the round ones. As a matter of fact, they are extremely hard to find. I know because I see people looking for them all the time. “Pastor, I’ll be at church Sunday if I can get a round tuit.” “I’ll teach that class if I can get a round tuit.” “I’ll get rid of this sinful habit when I can get a round tuit.” “I’ll get that job done around the church as soon as I can get a round tuit.” 

You see, the importance of putting your own personal round tuit in a safe place. They are especially hard to find and because they are so rare, they are highly valuable. Enough of the silliness! Most of us never get a round tuit because of three things. 

  1. We are not “mentally organized.” That is a polite way of saying we are “scatter brained.” 
  2. We lack the self-discipline to go out and get the job done. 
  3. We attempt things in our own strength rather than asking God to intercede for us. 

But are you aware that the Bible teaches us that God has given us the ability to mentally organize our thoughts (Proverbs 16:1)? And He places in us a desire to carry out that which we have mentally organized (Proverbs 13:4)? All we need to do is commit our work to the Lord and our thoughts shall be established (Proverbs 16:3). So why then do we fail so often in things we set out to accomplish? 

Unwise or unrealistic goals. Make your goals reasonable. It is unrealistic to think you can lose 25 pounds in four days but it is possible to do it in four months. Set realistic goals in every aspect of your life. 

Our goals often oppose God’s will. Are your goals in accordance with God’s Word and God’s will?  

We make excuses by saying, “I’m going to do that as soon as I get around to it.” 

So now you’ve got a round tuit, go on out and accomplish things for God’s glory!

 Quit making excuses!

                                                                                                    Dr. Mike Rouse

What to do: 

Today would be a good day to do things you have put off for a long while. So go ahead and do it while you can get around  

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