Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Common Sense About Worry

Bible Reading: Matthew 6

Key Verse: Verse 25 - "Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?"

Key Words: Take no thought

You find the word thought five times in our text.  The word means anxiety or worry.

Someone said, "Most of today's worries are like puddles, tomorrow they will have evaporated."

Herbert Lockyear said, "Worry produces doubt in a three-fold direction: 1) God's love is doubted.  Worry implies that He cares little for His blood-washed children.  2)  God's wisdom is doubted.  Worry indicates that He is not able to plan for His own, that He does not know what is best for them who belong to Him.  3)  God's power is doubted.  Worry says His grace is not sufficient for our needs."

A French soldier in World War I carried with him this little receipt of worry:  "Of two things, one is certain.  Either you are at the front, or you are behind the lines.  If you are at the front, of two things one is certain.  Either you are exposed to danger, or you are in a safe place.  If you are exposed to danger, of two things one is certain.  Either you are wounded, or you are not wounded.  If you are wounded, of two things one is certain.  Either you recover, or you die.  If you recover, there is no need to worry.  If you die, you can't worry.  SO WHY WORRY?

 Good advice!

                                                                                             Dr. Mike Rouse

What to do:

Don't worry about tomorrow.  Remember, God is already there.

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