Friday, August 9, 2024

Jesus, The Prophet

Bible Reading:  John 14:1-14

Key Verse: Verse 6 – “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

Key Words: the truth

While we as believers have at least one grace gift, and maybe two, Jesus demonstrates all seven of these gifts throughout His ministry.

The gift of prophecy, not foretelling, which Jesus certainly did, but He also told forth the truth because Jesus is the Truth.

It's amazing. People want objective standards when it comes to everything else, but not for how to live their life. But suppose you went to the doctor, and he was getting ready to perform an operation and he said, “Now, I think this is where I need to cut. Other doctors have ideas of where to cut, but this is what I think. Let's just check it out and see if I cut right.” Is that the doctor whom you want?

Suppose you went to a pharmacist, and he said, “Well, I think this is the medicine you should take. Now, the pharmacist down the street has another view, but this is what I think. Why don't you try it?”

Suppose you got on a plane and the pilot said, “Now, I think this is the button I'm supposed to push. Now, my engineer over here thinks I ought to push this button. My copilot over here thinks I should push that button. The flight attendant thinks I should push this other button. Well...let's try this button and see if it gets us off the ground.”

No! At the doctor's office, you want truth. At the pharmacist's, you want truth. In the airplane, you sure enough want truth. You don't want a pilot saying, “I think,” or a doctor saying, “I think,” or a pharmacist saying, “I think.” You're going to sue him if he thinks wrong. You want him to think right.

Well now, if you can respect the truth of a doctor and the truth of a pharmacist, and you can respect the truth of a pilot, how come God can't be trusted? He's truth – an absolute standard of reality found in the Word of God.

Jesus, the Prophet!  He is the Truth!


                                                                                            Dr. Mike Rouse    

What to do: 

Believe every word of Jesus for He is the Truth!

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