Saturday, September 21, 2024

A Time To Be A Role Model

Bible Reading: Proverbs 16:16-33

Key Verse: Verse 31 –  The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness.”

Key Words: The hoary head is a crown of glory

The “hoary head” age is believed to be anywhere from age 60 to 70. We call those the retirement years.

The question has been asked, “What do the retirement years offer?”  Well, I heard of one 72-year-old man who said, “The job of the retiree is learning to be the vice-president of nothing and learning to live as a nobody.” Is this true? Can the golden years of one’s life be that bad?  For some, it will be. Doctors and therapists report that among our retirees, those who become hooked on the bottle simply have too much time to think of failing health, economic woes, the welfare of their mate, and life itself.

Wait!  Enough of this gloom and doom.  The senior citizen need not feel overwhelmed by all the feelings of anxiety and uselessness.  God has a purpose for the “senior saint.”  God said that old age is a crown of glory.  Wear your crown well. II Timiothy 2:1-5 teaches the “senior saint” that he should be an example to young believers. You are to be a teacher, a role model for others to look up to and respect.

Learn to give your time and energy to God through work around the church and in your neighborhood. Don’t lie around and wallow in self-pity.  Get up! You are somebody’s role model.

While years may wrinkle your skin, apathy will wrinkle your soul.


                                                                                                        Dr. Mike Rouse

What to do: 

Dedicate yourself to be used of God until your dying day.

You can retire from your job, but not from your calling.

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