Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Lost Time

Bible Reading: Exodus 21:1-19

Key Verse: Verse 19 – “If he rise again, and walk abroad upon his staff, then shall he that smote him be quit: only he shall pay for the loss of his time, and shall cause him to be thoroughly healed.”

Key Words: loss of his time

The context of verse 19 is that if you injure a person and they have to miss work you are responsible for their loss of time and money. But I have found that people lose time in many ways.

A dear old lady from the country went for the first time on a railway journey about fifty miles through an interesting, beautiful region.

  She had looked forward to this trip with great pleasure. She was to see so much, but it took her so long to get her baskets and parcels right, to get her skirt adjusted, her seat comfortably arranged, the shades and shutters right, the anxious questions about all the things she had left behind answered, that she was just settling down to enjoy the trip when they called out the name of her station and she had to get up and hustle out! “On, my way!” She said, “if I had only known that we would be there soon I wouldn’t have wasted my time in fussing.” Dear friend, the wheel of time is flying; the last station is at hand; these things are so trifling. Get your mind on the main business of life; live as you will wish to have lived when you hear the call of the last station, and don’t waste any more time “fussing.” ~ Earnest Worker

“I’ve Shut the Door on Yesterday!”

I’ve shut the door on yesterday -

Its sorrows and mistakes.

I’ve locked within its gloomy walls

Past failures and heartaches.

And now I throw the key away

To seek another room,

And furnish it with hope and smiles

And every springtime bloom…

I’ve shut the door on yesterday

And thrown the key away -

Tomorrow holds no fears for me,

Since I have found today.  

~Vivien Yeiser Laramore


                                                                                                        Dr. Mike Rouse

What to do:  

Don’t waste time on things that are of no value.

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