Tuesday, October 15, 2024

My Own Enemy

Bible Reading:  II Samuel 12:1-13

Key Verse: Verse 7 - “ And Nathan said to David, Thou art the man. Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, I anointed thee king over Israel, and I delivered thee out of the hand of Saul;”

Key Words: Thou art the man

 Have you ever noticed that the one thing we can’t stand about others is often our own weakness?  David became filled with anger when told by Nathan that the poor man’s lamb had been stolen by the man with many lambs, but David had just stolen Uriah’s wife.  Peter could not stand acts of cowardice, but when pressed on the night of Jesus’ arrest, he cowardly denied Christ three times.  Jacob battled with the deceitfulness of Laban, but it was he who deceived his own father, Isaac.

There is an old adage that states, “I have met the enemy, and it is I.”  Today is a day of self-centeredness.  It is easy to see the faults and weaknesses of others and still never see our own.  A lady, after one of our morning services very bluntly stated that the one thing that she could not stand in preachers was bluntness.

Solomon said in Proverbs 26:16, The sluggard is wiser in his own conceit, than seven men that can render a reason.  Most people never see their own weakness.  They justify them away with ten-cent excuses.  Today, would you begin to pray for God to reveal your character flaws to you, and when He does, will you be willing to correct them?

Don’t try to hide your weaknesses, everyone else already sees them.  To accept them is to accept second best for your life.

Note: When David saw David, he repented.  When Peter saw Peter, he repented.  When Jacob saw Jacob, he repented.  When I see me, what do I do?


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What to do: 

Ask God to allow you to see yourself as He sees you.

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