Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Bible Reading:  Genesis 13:1-7

Key Verse: Verse 7 - “And there was a strife between the herdmen of Abram's cattle and the herdmen of Lot's cattle: and the Canaanite and the Perizzite dwelled then in the land.”

Key Words: And there was a strife

The word strife means to contend with, to be at odds with.

Let’s face it, as long as there are people and as long as we have to be around them, there will be strife.

There are sixty-six books in the Bible and you find people striving with one another in twenty-one of the sixty-six books.

Strife is the result of two individuals or groups of individuals who are bent on getting their way because they are convinced they are right!!

Strife on the job will affect job performance.

Strife at church will affect the moving of the Spirit.

Strife at home affects the entire family.

All because someone wants their way, usually in the name of God.

Entering a department store, a little old lady was startled when a band began to play and a dignified executive pinned an orchid on her dress and handed her a crisp hundred dollar bill. She was the store’s millionth customer. Television cameras were focused on her and reporters began interviewing. 

“Tell me,” one asked, “just what did you come here for today?”

The lady hesitated for a minute, then answered, “I’m on my way to the Complaint Department.”

Isn’t that the way it usually is?  The same people who are a blessing to us are the ones we are at strife with, usually over issues that, as we say in the country, aren’t worth a hill of beans.


                                                                                                            Dr. Mike Rouse

What to do:

Don’t fool yourself.  If Jesus isn’t the focus of your issues, you’re wrong.

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