Key Verse: Verse 11 - “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”
Key Words: for thy pleasure they are and were created
Let me ask you: do you live for your pleasure or do you realize you are here for God's pleasure?
The real joy of life is when we finally settle in on the fact that we, and all other people and things, are here for God's pleasure. This reminds of the story of the oak, pine, sycamore, and the daisy.
One day the king was walking through his garden when he came upon a huge oak tree that was pouting. "Why are you pouting, Mr. Oak?" inquired the king. "Because I'm not as tall as Mr. Pine Tree," he said. The king shook his head and continued walking, finally coming upon Mr. Pine Tree, which was crying. "Now, why are you crying?" asked the king. "Because," said Mr. Pine Tree, "I'm not as beautiful as Mr. Sycamore." The king again shook his head and continued walking. He soon came upon Mr. Sycamore who was whining. "Now, why are you whining?"questioned the king. "Because I'm not as strong as Mr. Oak," said Mr. Sycamore. The king kept walking finally coming upon Mr. Daisy who was smiling and happy. "Well, why are you so happy, Mr. Daisy?" asked the king. "Because I'm right here where you planted me and doing what you asked me to do," said Mr. Daisy.
Now, the moral of the story is this: true happiness only comes when we are making the King happy!!
So, I ask you again: Who are you living for? Your pleasure or the Creator's (God's)?
Dr. Mike Rouse
What to do:
✞ Remember true happiness comes from bringing pleasure to the Creator (God).
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