Key Verse: Verse 13 - “And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.”
Key Words: And the sun stood still
This passage of Scripture is one of the most controversial passages in all of God’s Word. It is one that scoffers and critics use to say the Bible is a hoax. But need I remind you that God is no hoax? If God can speak the world into existence, if God can create life, if God can save our souls, then certainly God can cause the sun to stand still.
Joshua did not know the earth is 8,000 miles in diameter, 200 million square miles of surface, and 71% of that is water, that the earth travels 18 ½ miles per second, that the sun is 93 million miles away from the earth, and at the core of the sun, it is 30 million degrees Fahrenheit. Joshua did not know that the earth weighs 6.6 sextillion tons. Joshua knew none of this. All Joshua knew was that with God, nothing is impossible.
Harry Rimmer in his book Harmony of Science and Scripture records the story of a professor of astronomy at Yale University who found the earth was 24 hours out of schedule. Dr. Trotter, another professor at Yale, challenged him to read the Bible to find the answer. This professor said 23 hours and 20 minutes was lost at this event in Joshua. The professor decided the Bible was not true because there was a 40-minute mistake.
But we read in Isaiah 38:8 that God would turn the sun back 10 degrees to affirm to Hezekiah that He would give him 15 years of additional life. Ten degrees is 40 minutes on the sun dial. To God be the glory!!
Dr. Mike Rouse
What to do:
✞If God can stop time, He can stop the problems you face as well.
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