Key Words: this line of scarlet thread
Rod Mattoon in his commentary on Joshua says:
- Judgment would pass over them because of the rope of red. What a beautiful picture of the shelter we have from God’s judgment because of the blood of Christ.
- In Egypt, the Death Angel passed over the homes with the blood on the door posts.
- In the sacrifice of the red heifer, the scarlet thread was wrapped around hyssop and thrown into flames when the heifer was burnt. The ashes were mixed together and used in ceremonial cleansing. The blood of Christ cleanses us of our sin (I John 1:7).
- On the Day of Atonement, a scarlet thread was attached to the gate of the Tabernacle. Jewish historians state that it was white linen that had been dyed red. If the sin of the people was atoned for, the thread would turn back to white. After the crucifixion to the destruction of the Temple, the rope remained red because the sacrifice of Christ had been rejected. The purpose of the thread was identification, a mark of obedience, and separation from wickedness. Christians are to be identified with Christ by obedience to the Lord and separation from the wicked lifestyle of this world.
The story is told of a man passing through a village in Basutoland. To his surprise he noticed some chickens with red ribbons fastened to their backs between their wings. He asked the owner of the chickens what was the purpose of those red ribbons. He answered and told the traveler that the red ribbons protected his chickens from hawks that would normally attack them. During his fifteen years in the village, no chicken was taken by a hawk if it had that red ribbon on his back. Yet, many chickens that did not have the ribbon were carried off by the hawks. Blue, green, and other colors did not work except the red. What a lesson for us. The scarlet ribbon of Christ’s blood protects us from the wrath and doom that awaits the unbelieving sinner and keeps us from the onslaughts of Satan who desires to take us captive at his will. Thank God for the blood of Christ!
What to do:
✞Thank God today and everyday for the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
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