Key Verse: Genesis 49:7 - “Cursed be their anger, for it was fierce; and their wrath, for it was cruel: I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel.”
Key Words: Cursed be their anger
Simeon’s inheritance was closely associated with Judah’s. Their inheritance was a fulfillment of Jacob’s prophecy found in Genesis 49:5-7. Simeon and Levi are instruments of cruelty. Because they did not control their anger, they now reap the fruit of their actions. They would both be divided and scattered in Israel. Simeon’s inheritance was settled within Judah. The Levites had no inheritance. They were scattered throughout Israel in 48 priestly cities. Simeon and Levi remind us of the consequences of uncontrolled anger.
A fable was told by Ralph Woener about a young lion and a mountain goat. Quite thirsty, the animals arrived at a water hole at the same time. They immediately began to argue about who would drink first. The disagreement became so heated that each decided he would rather die than give up the privilege of being first to quench his thirst. As each stubbornly confronted the other, their anger turned to rage. Just then something distracted them, and they both looked up. Circling overhead was a flock of vultures waiting for the loser to fall. That was all they needed to end their quarrel.
Your anger will not only harm others, it will also harm you!
What to do:
✞Be ye angry and sin not!!
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