“It is time for Thee, LORD, to work: for they have made void thy law.” As though we can tell God when He ought to go to work! Like Job, we think we have all the answers. Like Job, too, we find that we really know nothing at all about the great issues, of the working of those “wheels within wheels” of His will.
The only person who can pray like that, with any authority or assurance, is a person who lives close enough to the Lord to know God’s Word very well. Such a person can appeal to God on the basis of intimate knowledge of His will. Daniel could do that. He had so thoroughly mastered the Word of God as given to Jeremiah, he had so marked the passing of the years, he was so conversant with the signs of the times that he could pray, “It is time, O Lord, for Thee to work.”
George Mueller also could do that at times. He was so sensitive to the leading of the Lord in his life that he could say, in effect: “It is time, O Lord, for Thee to work.” On one occasion, George Mueller was sailing down the Saint Lawrence into Montreal to keep an appointment he knew to be in the will of God. A heavy fog came down and the ship reduced speed to a crawl. The captain of the ship was a believer, so Mr. Mueller approached him and asked him if they would make Montreal on time. The captain said, “Not unless this fog lifts at once.” Said George Mueller, “Very well, we shall ask the Lord to take the fog away.” He knelt down and, in a simple prayer, made his request. When the captain was about to pray, Mr. Mueller gently put his hand on his arm. “Don’t you pray,” he said. “Why not?” the captain asked. “You don’t really believe the fog will lift. Besides, it has already gone!” said Mr. Mueller.
What to do:
✞Live close to God and then you’ll know when it’s time for the Lord to go to work.
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