Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Misplaced Trust

Bible Reading:  Psalm 146

Key Verse: Verse 3 - “Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.”

Key Words: Put not your trust

I read recently where someone said that millions of people have misplaced trust – trust deposited (often sincerely enough) in the wrong person, the wrong institution, the wrong object. We sometimes hear well-meaning people say, “Just have faith.” That is a foolish exhortation.

Faith in what? Faith in whom? Some put their faith in money, but banks fail and there are many things money cannot buy (including happiness and holiness). Some put their faith in politics, but political systems break down because of the limitations of the people who run them or the wrong philosophies they espouse. Some put their faith in religion, but religion apart from Christ is a satanic delusion and leads to a lost eternity. Some put their faith in education, but persons of equal education often differ radically on important issues. Two doctors can examine the same patient and diagnose different illnesses; two statesmen can weigh the same international situation and recommend opposite policies; two judges can listen to the same evidence and pronounce different verdicts.

Nor can we put our faith implicitly in conscience. When John Huss was burned at the stake, a poor widow brought a faggot of sticks and gave them to the priest in charge of the pyre. She said, “Put them up close, holy father.” John Huss said to her, “You must hate me a great deal. What have I done to you or yours that you hate me so?” She said, “You are a heretic. Wood is expensive and I am poor. I cannot afford this bundle of sticks, but to burn a heretic is a good work so I have made the sacrifice.” Conscience said to John Huss, “Give your body to be burned.” Conscience said to the widow, “Give your bundle of sticks to burn him.” Conscience alone is a poor thing in which to trust. Simply to say, “Just have faith,” is foolish.

 Our faith must be in God, so we read in verse 5, “Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help.” Today, I trust you do not have a misplaced trust.

                                                                                                Dr. Mike Rouse

What to do:  

Put your trust in God.

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