The psalmist had suffered mental loss, but he still had not lost his joy because he still held to God’s Word. Our joy in life does not come because of circumstances, but often our joy is in spite of circumstances.
The following story illustrates the power and importance of joy in our lives. The story is taken from A. B. Earle, a pastor of years gone by.
“An incident occurred in one of our meetings near Boston that taught me a great lesson in leading souls to Christ. I can never lose sight of it.
“A lady connected with one of the city churches, but residing in that place, found she was not the humble, happy Christian she once was. She came to me, asking how she might obtain anew the joy of salvation; she felt she loved Jesus but so faintly that the warmth and power of that love were gone. The conflict was long and severe. On one occasion she said to me: ‘My husband has become skeptical. He rejects the Bible. It is of no use to speak to him. I have scarcely any hope of his being converted. But, oh, that I could enjoy the Savior’s love as I used to!’
“At last the desire of her heart was granted, and all the joy of her first love to Jesus was restored to her. And now, though she had been a Christian, and a kind, careful wife and mother, she seemed almost like another person. The false representations of religion were ended. Its sweetness and happiness shone in every feature of her face, gave melody to the tones of her voice, and added a new charm to all she did.
“She went about the house singing the songs of Zion. Anything that was not sinful that would make her husband happier and her home pleasanter, she cheerfully performed, saying but little, however, about the change in her feelings; she did not need to, it was so apparent. Her husband saw it, and compared her present state with her past. Somehow this led him to look into his own heart. The conviction was forced upon him that religion was a reality, and one he could not do without.
“Some four days after this change in his wife, I called on him to learn why he rejected the Bible and religion. I asked him to be frank with me and tell me if he had no desire to be a Christian.
“He replied: ‘Mr. Earle, I have said nothing about it to my wife; but sir, I feel I am a lost sinner and if you will pray for me, I will kneel down with you right here.’ And, pointing to his wife, who was at that moment passing through the room with the tears on her bright face, he continued: ‘That woman, my own dear wife, has had more power over me for a few days past than everything else put together. She has been a professor of religion for years, but I knew she did not enjoy her religion, and I said if that was all there was in religion, I did not want it. But for the last few days she has looked and acted almost like an angel; and sir, I cannot stand it; there is a power in her sweet, happy face that melts my heart. I cannot withstand the attraction of such a religion.’
“And all this because the joy of salvation was restored to the heart of that Christian wife! Oh, the power of Christ’s love when it burns and glows in the heart!”
There is power in a joyful spirit.
What to do:
✞Let God’s Word rule your life and joy will rule your spirit.
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