Israel again does evil (verse 1). They just never seem to learn that disobedience brings them into peril. This time they end up in the hands of the Midianites, who destroy their crops and cattle. It seems this went on for a period of seven years and finally Israel cries out to God for deliverance. So God reminds them of why they are where they are, “...but ye have not obeyed my voice.” (verse 10)
Charles Swindoll writes in regard to obedience: “My wife and I had the pleasure of spending an evening with former astronaut, General Charles M. Duke. All of us in the room sat in rapt fascination as the man told of the Apollo 16 mission to the moon, including some interesting tidbits related to driving “Rover,” the lunar vehicle, and his actually walking on the surface. We were full of questions which General Duke patiently and carefully answered one after another.
“I asked, ‘Once you were there, weren’t you free to make your own decisions and carry out some of your own know, sort of do as you pleased – maybe stay a little longer if you liked?’ He smiled back, ‘Sure, Chuck, if we didn’t want to return to earth!’
“He then described the intricate plan, the exact and precise instructions, the essential discipline, the instant obedience that was needed right down to the split second. By the way, he said they had landed somewhat ‘heavy’ when they touched down on the moon. He was referring to their fuel supply. They had plenty left. Guess how much. One minute. They landed with sixty seconds of fuel remaining. Talk about exact! I got the distinct impression that a rebel doesn’t fit inside a spacesuit. Whoever represents the United States in the space program must have an unconditional respect for authority.”
So must those who are going to be effective in God’s service.
What to do:
✞ Ask God to give you an obedient spirit.
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