Friday, August 16, 2024

Diversities of Gifts

Bible Reading:  I Corinthians 12:1-16

Key Verse: Verse 4 - “Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.”

Key Words: there are diversities of gifts

We are a diverse people.  We are not all the same color, not all the same gender, we don’t all look alike, nor do we all speak the same language or like the same things.  We are a diverse people.  God made us that way.  The same is true when it comes to our spiritual gifts.

The grace gifts found in Romans 12 were primarily given to be a blessing to other believers.  The gifts found in I Corinthians 12, while being a blessing to other believers, were primarily used to reach unbelievers.

You find nine of these spiritual gifts in I Corinthians 12.  Just as we do not all have the same grace gifts, we also do not all have the same outreach gift.  The Spirit gives us the gift He so chooses (verse 7).

Not only do we have different gifts, but we also each use our gift in different ways (verse 6).  For example, I’ve seen different styles of preaching.  We all know of preachers who pace back and forth, and others who never move.  Some preachers pound the pulpit, while others do not.  Some raise their voice while others are just steady in their tone of voice.  Some are Bible-thumpers and others aren’t, but they all have the same gift: preaching; and their goal is the same: to preach the Word, reach the lost, motivate the saint, and to glorify God.  I try not to get all caught up in style as much as I do content and character.

There are diversities of gifts.  What’s yours?  And are you using it to reach others and glorify the Lord?


                                                                                                        Dr. Mike Rouse

What to do: 

Find your spiritual gift and use it!  Not abuse it!

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