Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Gift of Wisdom

Bible Reading:  I Corinthians 12:8 and 2:1-7

Key Verse: Verse 2:7 – “But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: “

Key Words: hidden wisdom

While God has promised to give wisdom to those who ask (James 1:5), there is a gift of wisdom, that being the ability to pull out the golden nuggets of the Scriptures.

Have you ever sat under a pastor, evangelist, missionary or teacher and said, “Wow, I never saw that before!”  I personally believe that what this gift of wisdom is, is the ability to teach others and find those golden nuggets of truth from God’s Word that others may overlook.

I want to share with you something really encouraging.  Most of us don’t aspire very high in our reading because we don’t feel like there is any hope.  But listen to this.  Suppose you read about 250 words a minute and that you resolve to devote just 15 minutes a day to serious reading to deepen your grasp of Biblical truth.  In one year (365 days) you would read for 5,475 minutes.  Multiply that time by 250 words per minute and you get 1,368,750 words per year.  Now most books have between 300 and 400 words per page.  So if we take 350 words per page and divide that into 1,368,750 words per year, we get 3,910 pages per year.  This means that at 250 words a minute, fifteen minutes a day, you could read about 20 average sized books a year!  I believe you will be absolutely elated: reading more than you ever thought you could in a 15 minute time slot that would have been wasted anyway.   Start with the Bible and then choose some great commentaries.

 Now, automatically there are those who will say “I can’t do that!”  Maybe that’s the reason you don’t have the gift of wisdom.

                                                                    Dr. Miek Rouse

What to do: 

If you have the gift of wisdom, use it wisely or you won’t have it long.

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