Monday, August 19, 2024

he Gift of Faith

Bible Reading: I Corinthians 12:9 and Matthew 17:14-21

Key Verse: Verse 12:9 – “To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;”

Key Words: To another faith

God gives to every man the measure of faith.  Some build their faith and others don’t.

This gift of faith given to some should never be used as an excuse for our lack of faith.  It is a gift given to some to encourage us through the very tough and trying times of life.  For example, in Acts 27 Paul stands up and begins to proclaim by faith that (verse 22) men should be of good cheer “for there shall be no loss of any man’s life among you, but of the ship.”  Now, they are in the middle of a typhoon, the ship is sinking, no doubt men are in total fear (as most of us would be), but Paul’s gift of faith was used to encourage others during the most trying time of life.

J. Vernon McGee writes: Faith, we are told in the Scriptures, is the substance of things hoped for.  That is a gift.  Some people have the gift of faith.

 “I have a combination of Scottish and German blood in me.  When you get that combination, it’s bad.  I have pessimist blood in me, and I look at everything from that point of view.  In every church in which I served; God gave me several people who had the gift of faith.  Many a time an officer has come and put his arm around my shoulder and said, “Look, preacher, this thing is going to come through just right.”  And you know, it did.  He had the faith; I didn’t.  Faith is a gift of the Spirit.”

                                                                                                        Dr. Mike Rouse

What to do:  

Praise God for those who have faith during the most trying times of life.

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