Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Jesus, The Giver

Bible Reading: Luke 6:28-38

Key Verse: Verse 38 - “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.”

Key Words: Give

We are told by those who study such things that two-thirds of Jesus’ message was on giving.  But not only did Jesus teach on giving, He gave His very life so you and I could have eternal life.

There is a guy named Billy Taylor.  He is a junkyard specialist.  Billy Taylor goes to junk yards to find stuff that other folk have thrown away, discarded, and considered no good or worthless.  Billy Taylor brings it back to his garage and turns the junk into contemporary art pieces, which he then sells for upwards of $5,000 per piece.  He goes and finds junk that is worthless in everybody else’s eyes and then turns it into a masterpiece.  When Billy Taylor looks at the junk, he sees more than meets the eye.  He sees a masterpiece in the making.  He takes things that are worthless and makes them into something beautiful.

Well, you may have been worthless before you met Jesus, but once you meet Him, even if you were in the junkyard, He’s able to go into that yard, save you, and turn you into a valuable masterpiece.  Because of His grace, you are now a divine design.

 Jesus gave His life so you and I could become a masterpiece of His.

                                                                                                            Dr. Mike Rouse

What to do:  

You, as well, can be a masterpiece of Jesus’ by trusting in Him today as your Savior.  If you need counsel, email or call us.

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