Friday, August 2, 2024

Spiritual Gifts - Ministry

Bible Reading: Romans 12:7 – Luke 10:25-37

Key Verse: Romans 12:7 – “Or ministry, let us wait on our ministering: or he that teacheth, on teaching;”

Key Words: Or ministry

The gift of ministry waits on or serves others so that the others are free to carry out their responsibilities.

The Good Samaritan, I believe, had the gift of ministry.  He certainly ministered to the man who was beaten and robbed.

We don’t often think of the gift of ministry as being important:

Preparing food for fellowships,

Cleaning toilets and floors,

Setting up classrooms,

Putting hymnals back in place, and

The list goes on and on.

Think of the gift of ministry the way the gift of prophecy tells the truth, there is a job to be done.  The teacher teaches how others can do their job.  The exhorter motivates others to do the job while the giver gives so the job can be done, and the gift of mercy shows compassion for those who do the job.  But praise God for the gift of ministry for they are the ones who are doing the job that must be done.


                                                                                                        Dr. Mike Rouse

What to do:

Thank those who have the gift of ministry. If it weren’t for them the building would be dirty, the food for fellowships would be little, and the hymnals would remain out of place.

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