Tuesday, September 24, 2024

A Time to Die

Bible Reading: Hebrews 9

Key Verse: Verse  27 – “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:”

Key Words: And as it is appointed unto men once to die

The greatest peace that man can have is to know that when his appointed time comes, he knows where he will spend eternity.

The following is recorded by D. L. Moody.

D. L. Moody, badly overweight, grew ill in Kansas City, cancelled his engagements, and returned to Northfield, Massachusetts. He lugged himself up to his bedroom to dress for dinner but fell so exhausted that he took to bed. He declined quickly, and it became clear that he was dying of ‘fatty degeneration of the heart.’  On December 22, he suddenly opened his eyes and spoke clearly: ‘Earth recedes!  Heaven opens before me!’  His son sitting near him suggested he was dreaming.  ‘This is no dream, Will,’ Moody replied.  ‘It is beautiful! It is like a trance!  If this is death, it is sweet! God is calling me, and I must go!’

The family gathered around, ‘This is my triumph! Said Moody. ‘This is my coronation day!’ I have been looking forward to this for years.’  His face suddenly lit up. ‘Dwight! Irene!  I see the children’s faces!’ (Dwight and Irene, his recently deceased grandchildren.) Moody closed his eyes and appeared unconscious, but then spoke again. ‘No pain! No valley! If this is death, it is not bad at all. It’s sweet.’

A little later, he raised himself on an elbow and exclaimed, ‘What do you mean?  What are you all doing here?’  His wife exclaimed he had not been conscious.  Moody fell back on the bed and said, ‘This is very strange! I’ve been before the gates of death to the very portals of Heaven, and here I am back again. How very strange.’

Then he said, ‘I’m not at all sure but that God may perform a miracle to get me up. I’m going to get up and sit in that chair. If God wants to heal me by a miracle, all right; if not, I can meet my death in my chair as well as here.’ To everyone’s shock, Moody rose, walked across the room, and sat in an easy chair but later returned to bed exhausted, spoke tenderly to them some more, and finally went to heaven.

Never forget, we all have an appointment with God, either by death or rapture. The question is, “Are you ready?”


                                                                                        Dr. Mike Rouse

What to do:

Live your life with no regrets.

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