Wednesday, September 25, 2024

A Time to Worship

Bible Reading: John 4:1-26

Key Verse: Verse 24 – “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.”

Key Words: worship him in spirit and in truth

Now be honest, have you ever caught yourself simply mouthing words while singing a hymn in church?  While the pastor is praying, have you ever suddenly realized that you were a thousand miles away? It happens all too often, I’m afraid; and when it does, we are only going through the motions. We’re just “playing church” without entering into genuine worship.

One of the books in my library contains a story about a man who dreamed that an angel escorted him to church one Sunday.  There he saw the organist vigorously playing away, but strangely he heard no sound coming from the organ.  The choir and congregation began to sing, but he heard no voices.  When the pastor stood up to pray, his lips moved but he said nothing. The man was amazed as he turned to his angelic guide and stood in wonder. “You hear nothing,” said the angel, “because there is nothing to hear. These people are not engaged in genuine worship, only the form of worship. Their hearts are not touched, and their silence is the silence that God hears from the worship service because no one is genuine in their worship.”

  This story teaches us an important lesson.  The next time we go to the house of God, let each of us go with sincere desire to sing and pray and worship with meaning, whether in the choir or congregation. When it comes to the preached Word, let us listen with reverence. Only then can we engage in true worship, and only then will our praise reach the throne room of God.

                                                                                                        Dr. Mike Rouse

What to do:  

Do not just go through the motion of worship; genuinely worship the Lord. It will make a difference in your life and will add to the “church service” as well.

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