Wednesday, February 12, 2025

God's Taking Our Picture - LAMED

Bible Reading:  Psalm 119:89-96

Key Verse: Verse 89“For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.”

Key Words:  For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven

The Word is permanent because it is the Lord’s word.  That is why God does not have to change His mind.  In His omniscient wisdom, God knows everything – everything possible and everything that is.  He is acquainted with every fact, every detail, about everything and everyone in Heaven, earth, and hell.  He may be invisible to us, but we are not invisible to Him.  He saw Adam and Eve hiding in the garden, saw Cain murder his brother, heard Sarah laugh in the privacy of her tent.  One of the first revelations of God occurs on the Bible’s opening page: seven times the Holy Spirit says, “And God saw.”

God knows every detail about everything that has happened in the past.  He knows everything going on right at this moment throughout all the vast reaches of space.  He knows every event, from the smallest to the greatest, that will ever happen in the ages and eternities to be.  If it were possible for something to happen that God did not know about, He would cease to be omniscient; He would cease to be God.

When Donald and Simmie Godwin took their four-year-old grandson camping at Lake Superior, they got a basic theology lesson.  When a bad thunderstorm came up, the little guy was fascinated by the flashes of “whitening.”  He watched the sky light up for several minutes then gave his commentary: “Look!  Jesus is taking my picture.”  Our activities and attitudes never escape the attention of God.  It’s as if God were constantly taking our picture.

                                                                                                    Dr. Mike Rouse

What to do:  

Always act and think as if God is watching – because He is.

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