Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Heaven's Point of View - CAPH

Bible Reading: Psalm 119:81-88

Key Verse: Verse 81 – “My soul fainteth for thy salvation: but I hope in thy word.”

Key Words: My soul fainteth

“My soul fainteth for Thy salvation: but I hope in Thy word.”  Salvation is a concept of various textures and tones.  The Biblical context must always determine what kind of salvation the writer has in mind.  There is, of course, salvation from sin – its penalty, power, and presence.  There is salvation from sorrow as well as salvation from situations.  This last aspect of salvation is in view here, although we do not know what the singer’s situation was.  We do know, as the Scripture puts it elsewhere, “Hope deferred maketh the heart sick.”

I remember one time taking off in a plane straight into a bank of heavy clouds.  The day had been completely overcast, a laden sky scowling down on a gloomy landscape.  The plane taxied down the runway, took off, and instantly a gray world enveloped us.  Looking out of the window, I could see nothing except a blanket of foggy vapor so thick it even streamed down the windows.  Then suddenly the plane broke through and we were above the clouds.  The sky was a blazing sapphire, the sun was shining.  Looking down at the clouds, now far below, I saw them transformed into things of beauty, billowing fleece of whitest wool.  The blue skies were there all the time and, seen from above, the dark clouds were already being hurried away by the wind.

The Word of God is like the sun, shining always in the sky. Our frowning circumstances are the clouds.  When we stare up at them from down below, they appear threatening.  But when we allow God’s Word to change our viewpoint we see them as temporary troubles, soon to vanish, and, in any case, glorious from Heaven’s point of view.


                                                                                                        Dr. Mike Rouse

What to do:  

Let God’s Word change your point of view.

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